Sense of Wonder es una empresa de entretenimiento, dedicada a producir y distribuir contenido con valores que puedan ayudar a la familia.
Los Baka son una tribu nómade con tradiciones de más de 10 mil años, amenazados por el capitalismo moderno y la globalización. Sin embargo, su cultura sigue viva como desde el primer día a través de la música. Tres percusionistas, con un sueño y muy poco presupuesto, se inmergen en la selva Centroafricana para compartir y aprender sobre esta comunidad milenaria, y grabar sus cantos polifónicos ancestrales, antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Productor: MOLO MOLO Productions | Sense Of Wonder
Reparto y Técnicos: Agustín Giudici, Santiago Michael, Diego Voloschin.
MOLO MOLO Productions - All rights reserved
The Baka are a nomadic tribe with traditions of more than 10 thousand years, threatened by modern capitalism and globalization. However, their culture lives on as it did from day one through music. Three percussionists, with a dream and a very small budget, immerse themselves in the Central African jungle to share and learn about this ancient community, and record their ancestral polyphonic songs, before it's too late.
We want to give a special Thank you to Joseph Tindó, Remy, Samy Manga, and all of the Baka community for allowing us to spend time with them, learn about their culture and help us show the world how wonderful their music Is.
Director: Javier Anaya
Producer: MOLO MOLO Productions | Martina Sottile (Sense of Wonder)
Cast and Crew: Agustín Giudici, Santiago Michael, Diego Voloschin.
MOLO MOLO Productions - All rights reserved
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